Welcome To My World

On art with a capital “A”

Olivia Semple


Gael is in the middle of making beer, shoveling wet, steamy hops from a steel keg to a plastic bucket.

“This will go to my friend’s chickens,” he says.

“Will they get drunk?” I ask.

All four of us chuckle.

Santi and Pablo begin to act it out. Pok-pok-bleeargh-pok-hiccup! Cock-a-doodle-twerk! Haha! They dance, a silly chicken dance, like the one we all did when we were kids, and everyone laughs, until Gael gets a buzz on his phone — which none of us…



Olivia Semple

Gypsy lady, chocolate fiend. Forever dizzy at Kierkegaard's abyss. I should be editing my novel but I’m procrastinating here instead.